
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Team Leader Tuesday spotlight: Lori Hayden

Lori Hayden is a team leader for Visiting Orphans. She has led teams to Uganda and will lead a Costa Rica trip next month. You can read about her and the other VO team leaders on our Team Leaders page here.

If someone would of told me I would be leading mission trips to Uganda, I would of never believed them. As a widow, I was looking for my "new normal." Part of my "new normal" was the calling for short term missions.

After my first trip, I knew it was the experience I needed to choose joy in my life. At first I thought I would bless others and found out quickly I received so many blessings! I have been to Uganda numerous times and each time I learn something new. I learn to love deeper and grow wider as Christian.

Joy is such a gift!! It's not dependent upon circumstances, like happiness is. Missions are such a gift! They bring joy.

I no longer question why me but what me. In November 2014, I am leading a group to Costa Rica. Outside of my comfort zone of Uganda. I am so excited as I am taking one of my daughters and several friends with me.

I no longer look for that burning bush but a sense of contentment and peace. It's easy to love those we have never known. I have been so grateful for the opportunity for mission work. As for me, I will continue to seek and rejoice in the Lord. No one can steal my joy!

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